ABPI (Ankle-Brachial Pressure Index) – Measurement Methods and Precautions

ABPI (Ankle-Brachial Pressure Index) is a non-invasive test used to evaluate the blood flow condition of the lower limbs and determine the risk of lower limb ischemia and arteriosclerosis. This article explains the measurement method and precautions.


What is ABPI (Ankle-Brachial Pressure Index)?

ABPI (Ankle-Brachial Pressure Index) is a method to evaluate the degree of ischemia in the lower limbs. In this test, blood pressure is measured in both arms (brachial) and both ankles (ankle), and the ABPI is obtained by dividing the blood pressure in the ankle by the blood pressure in the arm.

The normal value of ABPI is between 1.0 and 1.4, and a value of 0.9 or below suggests lower limb ischemia. However, in patients with diabetes or those undergoing dialysis, higher values may be recorded due to arterial calcification. The test is non-invasive, painless, and takes about 10 minutes with the patient lying on a bed.

This test is also used for the diagnosis of peripheral artery disease (PAD), and abnormal ABPI values are useful in assessing the high-risk state of cardiovascular events.

ABPI is a simple test to evaluate the degree of ischemia in the lower limbs, non-invasive, painless, and can be performed in a short time!
This test is also useful for diagnosing peripheral artery disease (PAD) and assessing cardiovascular risk!


How to Measure ABPI

The method for measuring ABPI is as follows:

  • Have the patient lie on their back
  • Measure the blood pressure in the arm
  • Measure the blood pressure in the ankle
  • Calculate the Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)

Each step is explained below.

Have the Patient Lie on Their Back

The measurement of ABPI starts with the patient lying on their back on a flat surface. This posture ensures that the arms and legs are kept at the level of the heart, ensuring the accuracy of the blood pressure measurement. Keeping the limbs at heart level minimizes the effects of gravity, allowing accurate blood pressure readings.

This step is crucial for ensuring the reliability of the overall measurement.

Measure the Blood Pressure in the Arm

First, wrap the cuff of the blood pressure monitor around the patient’s left arm. Next, place the diaphragm (round part) of the stethoscope on the brachial artery’s pulse. Inflate the cuff to apply pressure and measure the systolic blood pressure in the arm. Then, slowly release the air from the cuff and record the pressure at which the pulse sound is heard again.

This procedure provides an accurate systolic blood pressure in the arm, which is used as the reference value for subsequent calculations.

Measure the Blood Pressure in the Ankle

Next, wrap the cuff of the blood pressure monitor around the patient’s left ankle. Locate the dorsalis pedis artery (DP artery) and record its pressure. Then, find the posterior tibial artery (PT artery) and record its pressure. The blood pressure in the ankle is determined by the higher of these two arteries’ pressures.

This accurately determines the blood pressure in the ankle, providing the necessary data for calculating the ABPI.

Calculate the Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)

Select the higher recorded pressure from the ankle blood pressure measurements. Then, divide this systolic blood pressure by the systolic blood pressure of the arm. This calculation provides the ABPI. This value is crucial for evaluating the blood flow condition of the lower limbs and determining the degree of ischemia and the risk of arteriosclerosis.

This non-invasive test provides accurate diagnostic information in a short time.

The measurement of ABPI involves the patient lying on their back while the blood pressure of the arm and ankle is measured sequentially, and the systolic blood pressure of the ankle is divided by the systolic blood pressure of the arm!
This simple and non-invasive test is useful for evaluating the risk of lower limb ischemia and arteriosclerosis!


Precautions When Measuring ABPI

Precautions when measuring ABPI include:

  • Clothing
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
  • Patients with Dialysis Shunts or Post-Lymph Node Dissection
  • Patient Movements

Each is explained below.


For ABPI measurement, it is important to wear clothing that allows easy access to both the arms and ankles for blood pressure measurement. Thick clothes or tight underwear should be avoided. This ensures proper attachment of the blood pressure cuff and accurate blood pressure measurement.

Choosing appropriate clothing improves the efficiency of the measurement and ensures patient comfort.

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

If there is a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the lower limbs, be sure to inform the doctor before the test. In the presence of DVT, the compression of the cuff during blood pressure measurement may risk displacing the clot, requiring special attention. Confirming the presence of DVT in advance ensures safe and careful measurement, protecting the patient’s health.

Patients with Dialysis Shunts or Post-Lymph Node Dissection

Patients with dialysis shunts or those who have undergone lymph node dissection (e.g., after breast cancer surgery) should also inform the doctor before the test. This helps in selecting appropriate sites for blood pressure measurement, avoiding incorrect measurements and unnecessary risks. Ensuring that the medical staff is aware of this information allows for safer and more accurate testing.

Patient Movements

During the test, patients are required to avoid movements or speaking. Movements or speaking can affect blood pressure measurement and hinder obtaining accurate results. Maintaining a calm and relaxed state allows for stable blood pressure measurement and accurate ABPI values. Adhering to this precaution enhances the precision and reliability of the test.

When measuring ABPI, it is important to follow precautions such as appropriate clothing, limiting movements, and informing about DVT or dialysis shunts!
Following these precautions ensures accurate and safe measurements, leading to appropriate diagnosis and treatment!


